Robin on plowed ground
Turns his head to listen for
The tasty earthworm.
Raindrops on roses,
Like pearls from a shattered strand,
Gleaming in the sun.
Red dogwood in bloom,
Hurry! Look! before it turns
To a summer green.
Sunlit spider’s web
Shimmers in the summer breeze
Like water flowing.
Garden needs weeding.
While waiting for evening shade,
I fell fast asleep!
All the frogs waited
For me to run to the pond.
Then, they all jumped in!
Beneath the maple
Gleams a brilliant crimson sheet.
Please forgive my rake.
On the forest path
Shuffling through the browning leaves
Of the fallen oak.
Under harvest moon,
Shadows on the silent pond.
Oh, the years gone by.
Song of the chainsaw
Drifting through the locust grove.
Winter already?
Garden under snow,
Still white sheet makes me wonder
What goes on beneath?
White tipped vulture wings
Soaring through ice-laden limbs,
Drawing life from death.
George E. Robertson