Louisville Zoo Kroger Wild Winter Days and Dare to Care Food Drive
Louisville Zoo 1100 1100 Trevillian Way, Kentucky 40213

Louisville Zoo
Louisville Zoo Kroger Wild Winter Days and Dare to Care Food Drive
Louisville Zoo Kroger Wild Winter Days and Dare to Care Food Drive
Now through Feb. 28, 2025 your Louisville Zoo is teaming up with Kroger for our Wild Winter Days program.
Visitors who bring in one canned food item or non-perishable food item (per person) to donate to Dare to Care may purchase tickets at the Zoo ticketing windows for $10.50 per adult and $7.50 per child / senior ticket. Remember that 25 cents of every admission ticket sold supports Louisville Zoo conservation efforts in Kentuckiana and around the world.
For more information call 502-459-2181 or visit louisvillezoo.org