Tim Collins, UK Opera Theatre
Performing Arts Guide
La'Shelle Allen performs for the University of Kentucky Opera's "It's a Grand Night for Singing!" event.William Shakespeare wrote that “all the world’s a stage.” With a profusion of performing arts venues and organizations, it’s evident our Commonwealth is a shining star upon that stage. To the talented and dedicated Kentuckians who contribute their creative energies to keeping the arts alive and thriving here, we say, “Bravo!”
Bluegrass Region
Actors Guild of Lexington
(859) 309-1909, actors-guild.org
Balagula Theatre
Lexington, (859) 259-2754, balagula.com
Bluegrass Theatre Guild
Frankfort, (502) 223-PLAY, bluegrasstheatreguild.com
Central Kentucky Youth Orchestras
Lexington, (859) 254-0796, ckyo.org
The Community Arts Center of Danville
(859) 236-4054, communityartscenter.net
Eastern Kentucky University Center for the Arts
Richmond, (859) 622-7469, ekucenter.com
Eastern Kentucky University Dance Theatre
Richmond, (859) 622-1901, dance.eku.edu
Eastern Kentucky University Department of Music
Richmond, (859) 622-3266, music.eku.edu
Eastern Kentucky University Theatre
Richmond, (859) 622-1315, theatre.eku.edu
The Flute Symphony of Lexington
Grand Theatre
Frankfort, (502) 352-7469, grandtheatrefrankfort.org
Kentucky Bach Choir
Lexington, (859) 229-1469, lexbach.org
Kentucky Ballet Theatre
Lexington, (859) 252-5245, kyballet.com
Leeds Center for the Arts
Winchester, (859) 744-6437, leedscenter.org
Lexington Ballet
(859) 233-3925, lexingtonballet.org
The Lexington Chamber Chorale
(859) 317-3353, lexingtonchamberchorale.org
Lexington Children’s Theatre
(859) 254-4546, lctonstage.org
Lexington Opera House
(859) 233-4567, lexingtonoperahouse.com
Lexington Philharmonic
(859) 233-4226, lexphil.org
The Lexington Singers
(859) 338-9888, lexsing.org
Lyric Theatre & Cultural Arts Center
Lexington, (859) 280-2218, lexingtonlyric.com
New Works, Inc.
Lexington, (859) 537-0179, facebook.com/newworksinc
Norton Center for the Arts
Danville, 1-877-448-7469, nortoncenter.com
Pioneer Playhouse
Danville, 1-866-597-5297, pioneerplayhouse.com
Ragged Edge Community Theatre
Harrodsburg, (859) 734-2389, raggededgetheatre.org
Red Barn Radio
ArtsPlace, Lexington, (859) 276-1055, redbarnradio.com
Richmond Area Arts Council
(859) 624-4242, artsinrichmond.org
Singletary Center for the Arts
Lexington, (859) 257-1706, finearts.uky.edu/singletary-center
Studio Players
Lexington, (859) 225-0370, studioplayers.org
University of Kentucky Department of Music
Lexington, (859) 257-4900, finearts.uky.edu/music
University of Kentucky Department of Theatre
Lexington, (859) 257-3297, finearts.uky.edu/theatre
University of Kentucky Opera Theatre
(859) 233-9331, ukoperatheatre.org
West T. Hill Community Theatre
Danville, (859) 236-8607, westthill.net
Woodford Theatre
Versailles, (859) 873-0648, woodfordtheatre.com
Woodsongs Old-Time Radio Hour
Lexington, (859) 252-8888, woodsongs.com
Louisville Area
Actors Theatre of Louisville
(502) 584-1265, actorstheatre.org
The Alley Theater
Louisville, (502) 713-6178, thealleytheater.org
The As Yet Unnamed Theatre Company
Louisville, ayutc.blogspot.com
The Bard’s Town
Louisville, (502) 749-5275, thebardstowntheatre.org
Bardstown Community Theatre
(502) 510-8782, bctky.org
Blue Apple Players
Louisville, 1-800-587-7990, seeblueapple.com
Bourbon Baroque
Louisville, (502) 614-7178, bourbonbaroque.com
Bunbury Theatre
Louisville, (502) 585-5306, bunburytheatre.org
Louisville, (502) 459-0660, jewishlouisville.org/centerstage
Central Kentucky Community Theatre
Springfield, (859) 336-5412, centralkytheatre.com
Choral Arts Society
Louisville, (502) 228-1176, louisvillechoralartssociety.org
Eve Theatre Company
Louisville, (502) 584-1205, evetheatrecompany.com
Hardin County Playhouse
Elizabethtown, (270) 351-0577, hardincountyplayhouse.com
Hardin County Schools Performing Arts Center
Elizabethtown, (270) 769-8837, thepac.net
Historic State Theater Complex
Elizabethtown, (270) 234-8258, historicstatetheater.org
Iroquois Amphitheater
Louisville, (502) 368-5865, iroquoisamphitheater.com
The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts
Louisville, 1-800-775-7777, kentuckycenter.org
Kentucky Opera
Louisville, (502) 584-4500, kyopera.org
Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble
Louisville, (502) 609-2520, lepetomane.org
Little Colonel Players
Crestwood, (502) 241-9906, littlecolonel.org
Looking for Lilith Theatre Company
Louisville, (502) 638-2559, lookingforlilith.org
Louisville Ballet
(502) 583-3150, louisvilleballet.org
The Louisville Chorus
(502) 968-6300, louisvillechorus.org
Louisville Orchestra
(502) 587-8681, louisvilleorchestra.org
The Louisville Palace
(502) 583-4555, louisvillepalace.com
Louisville Repertory Company
(502) 561-1004, lourep.com
Louisville Youth Choir
(502) 896-5859, louyouthchoir.org
Louisville Youth Orchestra
(502) 896-1851, lyo.org
Pandora Productions
Louisville, (502) 216-5502, pandoraprods.org
Savage Rose Classical Theatre Company
Louisville, new.savagerosetheatre.com
Shelby County Community Theatre
Shelbyville, (502) 633-0222, shelbytheatre.org
StageOne Family Theatre
Louisville, (502) 498-2436, stageone.org
Stephen Foster Productions
Bardstown, (502) 348-5971, stephenfoster.com
Squallis Puppeteers
Louisville, (502) 636-1974, squallispuppeteers.com
Theatre [502]
Louisville, (502) 509-1595, theatre502.org
University of Louisville Theatre
(502) 852-6814, louisville.edu/theatrearts
VOICES of Kentuckiana
Louisville, (502) 583-1013, voicesky.org
Walden Theatre
Louisville, (502) 589-0084, waldentheatre.org
WhoDunnit Murder Mystery Theater
Louisville, (502) 426-7100, whodunnitky.com
Northern Kentucky
The Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center
Covington, (859) 957-1940, thecarnegie.com
Falcon Theatre
Newport, (513) 479-6783, falcontheater.net
The Footlighters, Inc.
Newport, (859) 652-3849, footlighters.org
Kentucky Symphony Orchestra
Newport, (859) 431-6216, kyso.org
Kincaid Regional Theatre
Falmouth, (859) 654-2636, krtshow.com
Maysville Players
(606) 564-3666, maysvilleplayers.net
My Nose Turns Red Theatre Company
Covington, (859) 581-7100, mynoseturnsred.org
Northern Kentucky University Department of Theatre & Dance and Commonwealth Theatre Company
Highland Heights, (859) 572-5464, artscience.nku.edu/departments/theatre/commonwealththeatre.html
The Village Players
Fort Thomas, (859) 392-0500, villageplayers.biz
Western Kentucky
Alhambra Theatre/Pennyroyal Arts Council
Hopkinsville, (270) 887-4295, pennyroyalarts.org
Carson Center
Paducah, (270) 450-4444, thecarsoncenter.org
Glema Mahr Center for the Arts
Madisonville, (270) 821-ARTS, glemacenter.org
Henderson Area Arts Alliance
(270) 831-9800, haaa.org
Henderson Fine Arts Center
1-800-291-3402, henderson.kctcs.edu
Kentucky Opry
Benton, 1-888-459-8704, kentuckyopry.com
Market House Theatre
Paducah, 1-888-MHT-PLAY, mhtplay.com
Merely Players
Owensboro, (270) 315-2413, merelyplayers.org
Muhlenberg Community Theatre, Inc.
Greenville, (270) 338-7165, mctiky.org
Owensboro Dance Theatre
(270) 684-9580, owensborodancetheatre.org
Owensboro Symphony Orchestra
(270) 684-0661, theoso.com
Paducah Improv
(270) 559-7385, facebook.com/paducahimprov
Paducah Symphony Orchestra
(270) 444-0065, paducahsymphony.org
Playhouse in the Park
Murray, (270) 759-1752, playhouseinthepark.net
RiverPark Center
Owensboro, (270) 687-2770, riverparkcenter.com
Theatre Workshop of Owensboro
(270) 683-5333, theatreworkshop.org
Twilight Theatre Productions
Kenlake State Resort Park, Aurora, (270) 436-2399, twilightcabaretproductions.org
Southern Kentucky
The Capitol Arts Center
Bowling Green, (270) 904-1880, capitolarts.com
Center for Rural Development
Somerset, (606) 677-6000, centertech.com
The Far Off Broadway Players
Glasgow, faroffbroadwayplayers.org
Fountain Square Players
Bowling Green, (270) 782-3119, fountainsquareplayers.org
Orchestra Kentucky
Bowling Green, (270) 846-2426, orchestrakentucky.com
Plaza Theatre
Glasgow, (270) 361-2101, plaza.org
Phoenix Public Theatre of Kentucky
Bowling Green, (270) 781-6233, ptkbg.org
Southern Kentucky Performing Arts Center
Bowling Green, (270) 904-1880, theskypac.com
The Symphony at Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, (270) 745-5222, bgwso.org
Western Kentucky University Theatre & Dance
Bowling Green, (270) 745-5845, wku.edu/theatre-and-dance
Eastern Kentucky
Whitesburg, (606) 633-0108, appalshop.org
Artists Collaborative Theatre
Elkhorn City, (606) 754-4228, act4.org
Bell Theater
Pineville, (606) 337-3806, facebook.com/pages/Bell-Theater
Big Sandy Singers
(606) 889-4764, bigsandysingers.com
East Kentucky Expo Center
Pikeville, (606) 444-5500, eastkyexpo.com
Greater Hazard Area Performing Arts Series
(606) 487-3067, hazardperformingarts.com
Jenny Wiley Theatre
Prestonsburg, 1-877-CALL-JWT, jwtheatre.com
Morehead Theatre Guild
Mountain Arts Center
Prestonsburg, 1-888-MAC-ARTS, macarts.com
Paramount Arts Center
Ashland, (606) 324-3175, paramountartscenter.com
The Redhound Theater
Corbin, (606) 528-3902, redhoundtheater.org
Renfro Valley Entertainment Center
1-800-765-7464, renfrovalley.com
Rowan County Arts Center
Morehead, (606) 783-9857, rcartscenter.org