Holiday Open House - Cartwright Grove
Mayfield-Graves County Fairgrounds Ky. 121 at N. 17th Street, Mayfield, Kentucky 42066

Holiday Open House at Cartwright Grove
We absolutely ADORE Cartwright Grove at Christmas!
Visit our 1880’s Old West Town when it is decked out in its absolute most beautiful best! The Grove will be open for guests on Fridays and Saturdays on Dec. 8th & 9th, 15th & 16th, and 22nd & 23rd, from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, nightly.
Talk to Santa (6 PM – 8 PM, each night), listen to music in the saloon, and maybe even take a covered wagon ride ($4 on Dec. 15th & 16th only).
For more information, please visit