Butterflies & Host Plants - Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve
Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve 12501 Harmony Landing Road, Goshen, Kentucky 40026
Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve
Butterflies & Host Plants
Butterflies & Host Plants
Donation: $10/person, $5/members, Children 6 and under FREE.
Join Jacob Crider for a hike through our forests and meadows, where he will look for butterflies, their respective host plants, and caterpillars. Jacob will be discussing Butterfly and Moth biology, the importance of host plants, how they benefit many insect and animal species, which ones occur in our region of Kentucky, and how to grow and care for them at home and around the community. Binoculars are encouraged for best wildlife viewing. Wear comfortable shoes/Hike is easy to moderate.