Homeschool History Day: We the Homeschooled - Frankfort
Thomas D. Clark Center for Kentucky History 100 W Broadway, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Homeschool History Day: We the Homeschooled
Calling all homeschoolers! In September 1891, the Kentucky Bill of Rights guaranteed educational freedom, and we want to celebrate 132 years of Kentucky homeschooling with you! Test your political science and history knowledge with our mock citizenship competition, learn about the 1891 Constitutional Convention at the Old State Capitol, view political artifacts in our main gallery, and more! For an in-depth experience you can register for one or all of the following: write your own bill proposal with quill and ink (Quills and Bills Learning Lab), design your own campaign button and poster to “run for office” (Vote for Me! Learning Lab), or take one of our Behind-the-Scenes tours to view Kentucky political treasures in our archives.
For more information, please visit