Migratory Birds and Butterflies at Creasey Mahan
Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve 12501 Harmony Landing Road, Goshen, Kentucky 40026
Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve
Migratory Birds and Butterflies
Migratory Birds and Butterflies at Creasey Mahan
Donation: $10/person, $5/members, Children 6 and under FREE.
Meet at Creasey Mahan’s Nature Center to take an evening hike with Jacob Crider to check out the woodlands and meadows in search of migratory birds and insects. Neotropical birds such as warblers, vireos, grosbeaks, thrushes, and buntings will begin their southern migrations around this time, and many species of butterflies will be out pollinating the preserves summer wildflowers.
For more information, please call 502.228.4362 or visit touroldham.com/calendar/