NKU Six@Six Lecture Series - Black Holes: Smaller But No Less Mighty
Cincinnati Observatory 3489 Observatory Place, Ohio 45208
NKU Six@Six Lecture Series - Black Holes: Smaller But No Less Mighty
Astrophysics is the science of demystifying a mysterious place: the universe. That sort of makes the universe Dirk Grupe’s office. In his research, he uses images and signals from deep space to see what he can learn. In a stunning development, he and his international collaborators recently discovered that one of the universe’s most massive black holes, located nearly 5.1 billion light years away, is the size of 100 million solar masses instead of the previously believed 10 billion. But smaller doesn’t mean less impressive. It just means black holes pack their punch in more compact configurations. What does that mean to our understanding of the universe? Join us in-person at the Cincinnati Observatory. Doors will open at 5 p.m. Lecture begins at 6 p.m. Come early and tour the Observatory and stay after the lecture concludes to stargaze if it is a clear night. If you can't join us in-person, the lecture will be streamed via Zoom as well.
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