NKU Six@Six Lecture Series - Mind-Over Matter: Brain-Controlled Systems
St. Elizabeth Training and Education Center 3861 Olympic Blvd, Erlanger, Kentucky 41018
NKU Six@Six Lecture Series - Mind-Over Matter: Brain-Controlled Systems
The rapid advancements in neuroscience and bio-mechatronics have paved the way for the development of brain-computer interfaces and mind-controlled systems for human-machine interaction. Professor Mahdi Yazdanpour and his research team in the Mechatronics Research Lab have designed and developed a Hybrid Electroencephalography (EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interface and a Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arm. This project aims to create an accessible, customizable, and non-invasive bionic arm for individuals with limb amputations, empowering them to perform a variety of delicate everyday tasks and enhancing their overall interactive experience.
For more information, please visit nku.eventsair.com/QuickEventWebsitePortal/sixatsix/home/Agenda