NKU Six@Six Lecture Series - Climate Safe Neighborhoods: How Green Is Our Urban Core?
Roebling Coffee and Books, Community Room 601 Overton St, Kentucky
Climate Safe Neighborhoods: How Green Is Our Urban Core?
Just as climate change does not impact every nation the same, it also does not impact every local neighborhood the same. Groundwork Ohio River Valley (GORV) and Green Umbrella, two leading environmental organizations in the Greater Cincinnati region, created the “Climate Safe Dashboard” for the City of Cincinnati. NKU Biology Professor Kristy Hopfensperger is working with GORV to integrate data from three of Northern Kentucky’s urban core cities: Covington, Newport and Dayton into the dashboard. They will host community workshops to engage neighbors with the data and discuss vulnerabilities. Users will be able to search for data related to their specific neighborhood. She and her collaborators will guide us through their findings, as well as how to access and use them. Dr. Hopfensperger will be joined by Tiffany Harvey, GIS and operations director at Groundwork Ohio River Valley.
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