Enjoy a home-cooked meal bursting with Latin American flavors with this Caribbean twist on a ham-and-cheese sammie. Recipe provided by Chef Miguel Rivas of Lexington’s Brasabana restaurant.
7-inch loaf Cuban or French bread
2 teaspoons yellow mustard
3 ounces slow-roasted pork butt, pulled (recipe below)
3 ounces sliced deli ham
4 slices spicy pickles
1 slice Swiss cheese
Slow-roasted pork butt:
1 Boston pork butt
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon black pepper
2 cups orange juice
- For slow-roasted pork, preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a small bowl, mix salt, sugar, cumin and black pepper. Rub pork with spice mix on all sides. Place pork in a roasting pan and cook until brown, about 30 minutes.
- Decrease heat to 325 degrees. Add orange juice to pan and cover with aluminum foil. Braise the pork until tender and falling apart, about 3½ hours.
- Preheat griddle or panini press. Cut bread into two slices and spread mustard on each side. Pile pork, ham, pickles and cheese on one side and close sandwich. Spray griddle or panini press with butter and fry sandwich until golden brown on each side, about 3 minutes.